Expertise in on-board cooling systems

Your need ?
To find a partner who can help you to understand complete heat pump, air conditioning or chiller systems and who has the capacity to prototype and test them.

Our response :
We provide you with teams of system engineers capable of both specifying the right components, assembling them into a system, developing the control system, functional safety and testing the system.

We design, manufacture, test and integrate thermal management systems for you.

From component to system

Many industries are organised around the development of components that are ultimately assembled into systems. This organisation makes it possible to specialise the companies, to isolate the problems and thus to improve the production costs of each of these components. It is also a way for manufacturers to compete while maintaining control over the entire system.

This method proves limiting when developing innovations. Newcomers have proven this by developing complete systems in-house with lower cost and better performance.

It is at this crossroads between components and systems that EXOES offers very high added value. It is indeed possible to reduce costs and increase the reliability of a complete function by working on systems and the best possible integration of all components.

System integration :
the key to a competitive cost/benefit ratio

At EXOES, we support our customers in the development of unique heat pump systems coupled with battery cooling. For this purpose, EXOES provides its customers with:

A system simulation including
proprietary codes on some
components to better describe the
physical phenomena involved

Tests and expert engineers
to analyse them

The ability to prototype heat pump or
air conditioning systems coupled with
a complete component cooling system

Vehicle integration capabilities going
towards complete system validation in
a real environment.

A constantly evolving offer

Always wishing to be one step ahead of our customers, our offers and skills are constantly evolving. We are preparing for the future, working on the offers of tomorrow.