Demotruck project, third test phase

The demotruck project, in partnership with Faurecia and Renault Trucks (Volvo group) enters the third test phase.
The objective: to validate the fuel savings of the exhaust waste recovery system integrated into a demonstration truck. This system is equipped with EVE®, EXOES piston expander. Tests started on the roller test bench of Renault Trucks (Volvo group) R&D center, near Lyon.
“In 2016, EVE® first test phase on engine test benches showed promising results. Then, we worked on the integration into a HGV in close cooperation with our partners, Faurecia and Renault Trucks (Volvo group). Between January and March 2017, Faurecia managed the first real-road tests to refine the whole exhaust waste heat recovery system.
I am thrilled to see EVE® on Renault Trucks roller test benches. The three partner teams worked intensely to reach this phase in a short period of time.
EXOES has just crossed a new threshold. It is a sign that we are asserting ourselves more and more as a key player in the transportation sector.”
EVE® – Energy Via Exhaust- turns exhaust waste heat into useful energy. Integrated in a complete systems, it generates up to 5% fuel savings and CO2 emissions for a long-haul vehicle.