Agile engineering methods for the automotive industry

Delivering the highest added value in your thermal management system
Your need ?
A partner focused on your added value throughout your R&D program, where uncertain results may redirect some initial decisions. Flexibility, transparency, responsiveness, rigour and quality are the assets you expect from your partner during the upstream engineering phases.
Our proposition :
What our customers appreciate most: EXOES always delivers the highest added value. Our transparency, our responsiveness, our unique expertise in thermal system innovation and our ability to involve our customers in the important choices of the projects make EXOES a reference in terms of customer service.
Take advantage of our proprietary process to gain efficiency.
A proprietary process to deliver a high level of thermal engineering service in a short amount of time
Our process is a combination of the best V-cycle practices to ensure the highest quality and agility. It is thus fully compatible with the automotive industry: APQP, AMDEC, costing augmented by our agile process that focuses on the added value you are looking for.
EXOES guarantees an exemplary responsiveness from the phase when the technical need is defined to the building of prototypes and their tests. Our autonomous teams are always seeking continuous improvement and maximum added value for you. The most important part of the information sought is obtained very quickly.
Extract from our agile process permanently focused on the customer’s perceived value
Based on our experience of 11 years in automotive
advanced engineering projects
Kick-off meeting :
– The team commits on a schedule and
milestones based on a Gantt schedule
and indications and KPI are agreed with customer
– HR and assets required for the project are booked
( test rooms… )
Internal daily meeting of 15 minutes :
– Problem detection for quick response :
Project QRQC
Weekly meeting with customer :
– Review of project statuts and short term priority
Monthly meeting with customer:
– Review of deliverables ( content, cost and lead-time )
– Feedbacks and prioritization of next-month tasks

Our main concern is
your satisfaction !
At the kick-off meeting, the whole team (expert, project manager, engineers and technicians) commits to a schedule and intermediate delivery milestones. The risks of delay are analysed with the customer and parallel actions are planned. Our customers are informed of the progress of tasks every week and involved in the technical choices approved by their internal experts. We avoid the “tunnel effect” where customers wait for results without knowing about the progress of the work.
Flexibility and
Any changes requested by the customer during the course of the project are analysed on a weekly basis and an adjustment (scope, deadline, estimate) is proposed, with implementation generally in the following month. This responsiveness allows us to adjust the progress of projects as closely as possible to the customer’s needs: there are no unnecessary deliverables.
Finally, a complete assessment (quality, cost, deadlines) of the project is drawn up every month and shared with the customer, who knows at all times the position that the project is in.
We have high-level engineers capable of understanding the impact of your innovation on the related systems. Trained to automotive standards, our teams are perfectly suited to this sector’s requirements.
Our customers appreciate our agile processes
They trust us and appreciate our values, our transparency, our responsiveness, in a nutshell, our organisation focused on operational excellence and customer satisfaction
Here’s what our agile coach has to say !
EXOES is supported by Exalt-you in setting up an ultra-efficient organisation, one which is supported by its employees and which is customer- and result-oriented.

As an Agile coach, in 2019, EXOES gave me the task of helping the team improve its Agility and performance.
I discovered a very dynamic team with strong expertise and a high level of professionalism.
The team was already Agile by nature and by necessity; all that was needed was a little framework and method to optimise its performance and serve its customer better. I was delighted to be able to provide them with it.